Yes, I am a Negro

I am a negro I say it with pride I cannot my colour hide its radiant blackness does glow. I am tropically designed, and from taunts I am resigned. I love my natural label, it rings my pride like a bell. My frame is black and lovely, I am feminine and curvy. My rare...

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Tags: Poem #11
Views: 1739

The Good shepherd Hymn

I heard the voice of the good shepherd say;
"I did your sad and weary soul salvage,
lean on me, I did for your freedom pay.
Lean on me, and come to God with courage."
The soft voice of Jesus tenderly speaks,
when in moments of pain, my sadness peaks.
His assuring words give my poor soul...

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Tags: Poem #7
Views: 1733

The Internet

As information is sourced, we knowledge add.
Entertainment is accessed by each ipad.
The cost of research is by the net reduced,
whilst addiction to porn is by it induced.

Banking transactions are by it made easy,
so does the convenience of a shopping spree.
We conveniently send mails by...

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Tags: Poem #15
Views: 1743

Nekky's Story

I am his punching bag,
he punches me at will,
he punches me to vent his anger,
he does so to douse his frustrations.
He tries to regulate my emotions,
he entrenches himself fastidiously
in my life's branches.

My constant battery is his love's
To him, none else could care...

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Tags: Poem#4
Views: 2148

The Hallmarks of War

Thunderous fighter birds,
loud torrential explosives,
blood thirsty Kalashnikovs,
monstrous and destructive tanks,
bloodshed by the river banks,
numerous catacombs interred,
dismembered bodies
on landscapes littered.
Vengeful hearts embittered,
countless tragedies,
misery corrodes like...

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Tags: Poem #11
Views: 1656