Beauty's Vanity and Worthlessness

Though I style my curly braids with ribbons bright,
and colour my sweet moist lips with royal red
to look as bright and fair as a newly wed.
Though I stand on two towers to get a better height,
with eyelashes that beckon at each gazer.
Though my trendy gowns make me a trailblazer

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Tags: Poem #5
Views: 1509

Will You Love Me Tomorrow

Will You Love Me Tomorrow

When My Hair Has Turned To Gray - When My Eyes Have Grown Tired Of The Games People Play.

Will You Love Me When I'm Older - When the Stars Don't Shine So Bright. When I'm Worn And Ragged As The Day Turns Into Night. Will You Care For Me As You Do Now -...

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Tags: Poem #6
Views: 1474

Stop - Open Your Mind

Stop - Open Your Mind

Forget Your Troubles. Relax On The Soft Feathers Of Quiet. - Look, See The Beautiful. Envelop Your Eyes. Discover The Wonderful Colors Of Quiet. -- Touch, Reach Out Into Nothingness. Feel The Mystifying Truth. Linger On The Spongy Feel Of Quiet. Listen -...

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Tags: Poem #6
Views: 1218

A Poem

A Poem

Once I Wrote A Poem - That Made My Friend Smile. That Brought Tears To My Eyes, And I Thank God To Inspire Me To Write That Poem. That Made My Friend Smile. That Brought Tears To My Eyes. And I Thank You My Friend For Reading That Poem. That Made You Smile. That Brought Tears To My Eyes

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Views: 443

I Have A Quilt From 1856

I Have A Quilt From 1856

It Was Hand Stitched By My Great Great Grandmother - My Mother Had It In A Museum. She Gave It To Me. It Now Lives In A Plastic Covering In My House - Perfectly Intact. Never Forget Your Ancestors. They Are You And You Are Them

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Tags: Poem #14
Views: 1077