Immortal Queen Elizabeth II

Your life's twilight on a
September evening came.
And ferried you were by
crimson cherubs; conveyed
in splendour on a celestial
cruise, to gates pleasant for
a permanent reign.
Your reign on the throne
on a September autumn
but your indelible legacy
in the hearts of Brits
is enthroned gloriously.

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Tags: Poem #5
Views: 1130

Napoleon's Nascent Love For Josephine

Give me a smile, that I may build on your assurance,
Kiss me, that I may have to thy kind heart entrance,
Love me less, and see how tumultuous life could be,
Give thy command, and see my loyalty to thee.

In thine absence, mine heart cannot from thee depart;
A moment's departure would...

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Tags: Poem #11
Views: 1026

Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

Of immensely esteemed birth.
Highly respected in life,
but more respected in death.
Having a crown that ceased to decay
for many decades long.
A queen of kings, but still a wife,
custodian of traditions strong.
She that saw historic anniversaries,
She that saw millennial...

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Tags: Poem #9
Views: 1272

Jesus My Lord

My Lord Jesus Christ is king,
Of him only I will sing.
He loves me dearly I know,
And to him only I'll go.

My Lord Jesus Christ is Lord,
He nourishes me with his word,
He saved my doomed soul from death,
When in sin it lacked good health.

My Lord Jesus Christ provides,
And when I am lost, he...

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Tags: Poem #3
Views: 894

The Birth Of Our Lord

Christ in a manger was laid,
regally known but lowly.
His royal identity
was to three wise men revealed,
but from his kinsmen concealed.

Christ was in Bethlehem born;
his royal ancestor's city.
A king that sinners would scorn,
and would by his friend be betrayed.

Messiah to the unholy;

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Tags: Poem #1
Views: 771