Sacrifice for marriage Whether it is India, America or Africa The occurrence is same and exact replica The atrocity is committed and woman is made to suffer Leaving behind deep scar of pain to bear “Sir, I made lots of sacrifices for marriage” Early days were romantic and within control to manage Day was passing like river flow I was unsure of it to set or go I really sensed trouble for her She was in tears and sufferer I could visualize the complete scene She was black diamond and nice to be seen “If I speak of atrocity, it will cause break down” It may be of high magnitude and unknown To out side world and beyond imagination I, with heavy heart, have preferred isolation I felt pain in my heart How long ladies have to suffer and depart? Even if she remains loyal and trustworthy Still she has to undergo pain and suffer with pity I live with two kids that has emerged from marriage I was not in good health and had suffered another miscarriage He did nothing for our care and even inflicted injury What could I do to him except feeling sorry? I love my mom for her moral support Else my ship had run aground before reaching port I have gathered strength and decided to face Any odd that might come across to chase Let no lady should suffer on this count! Even though they can withstand pressure of any amount That is why they have addressed as mother world Only gents must know the limit of remaining in their fold
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