
North wind North wind blows cold As if to root out person from strong fold Take to far off land Where live only friends Her soul is not bare But defies odd and dares No weather can deter her She is known traveler She may not stop Her life is not flop She is determined Life is well defined She is racing with age Yet fully committed without any rage To write on golden page That she is out of cage The tree has lost all its leaves Yet she firmly believes “Life is not that all bare” Some one has to take care Life for her is still barren No garden can cum up again It is her life story One has to think strongly and feel no sorry Life was not all that good with glitters But had to bear with full length and shoulder The pain and agony had its own tale She has swam across ocean like whale No wind can turn her cold She has her own destiny and fold She has new world to live in Life has no loss but only gain Listen to her grief But it may be very brief “Life must go on” she says Bravely she faces all and stays Trees may turn green again The life too is likely the same Energize it with full vigor Live king size with honor Life may end at anytime But that is destined to all with time North wind may take its toll As it is nature’s final call

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