
I walk the path of Darkness

With my two companions,

Silence and Loneliness.



Speechless and mute,

Takes my hand on my right.

I can see his complexion,


With unknown thoughts and emotions.

His face,

An unexpected comfort,

Is without lips,


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Views: 2672


I have no arms

To embrace you,

To protect you,

To give you comfort.

Only lifeless branches,

Reaching out for nothing.


I have no heart

To love you,

To pity you,

 To give you hope.

Only a hollow box,

Gathering air and dust.


I have no eyes

To see you,


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Views: 2756

Glass Muse

She stands there,

My glass Muse,

Like a crystal statue,

Clear and pure.

Her face,

Luminous and pale,

Like silver moonlight

Reflecting on calm nightly waters,


The weakened minds

Of dismal poets

Her hands,

Delicate and graceful,

Like bright white fire,


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Views: 2768



Once I saw around
Through everybody's eyes
I saw all the minds of us
Through everybody's minds

Then I saw a memory
in which lies
everything's lives
All the joys and laughs
All the doubts and lies
inside, still, but alive

Nothing was a new
Nothing was a past
I was inside of what was inside


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Views: 2388

penguins on the street

I said "Lilith look at me."
She didnt
She just went along the river
Infinite sparks in the air
"I can see them Lilith!" look at me
She didnt
She edged away

I walked back to the town
with a big burden in my shoulders
tears in my eyes
"You will not come back, will you?"

I remember the fish

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Views: 2359