Life is beautiful, life is innocent.

Being corrupts, conception manipulates what you hate.

Taint the being and the corruption becomes a sermon of epidemic catastrophe

Kill the noise, and bury the throne

The crown will be kept, revered, beheld as a triumphant symbol of stoicism.

Being stoic, being stoic, being stoic, being

Don’t be, live

Live beautiful, live innocent

Understand that being does not reveal occupation

Occupation consumes that which is sought

Seek the other, explore the unknown, discover nothing

Birth longevity and reveal life

Debt is surviving, survive the debt

Carry the burden once the burden carries no load

Be the load that debt must explore, not the plague

Weight bares no struggle; celestial thought survives what we know

Understand the physical is the tiara capturing conception

Conceive birth, don’t occupy life

Crown life as the burden of innocence and carry no weight

Behold innocence and life’s contagion of debt

-Wade Stephenson

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