Wishful Thinking

Wishing on a star
Knowing you will not return
Oh when will I learn?

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Views: 2147

Love Drug

You are my weed
Because you get me high on life
You are my crack cocaine
Because when I sniff you everything feels so right
You are my heroin
Because when I shoot you in my arm
Your love runs through my veins
And when I get caught
You are always willing to take the blame
You are my Ritalin...

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Views: 2541


Rumors are a sin
They get underneath my skin
I can't let them win

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Views: 1639065


Are moments captured
In times of great happiness
Don't you just miss them?

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Views: 2466

The Ocean

So blue and so deep
Is all that is within sight
But what lies beneath?

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Views: 2391