I remember the day

I first saw your face

I drove up

to a grand house

on the beach.

You greeted me

at my car

your hair smelled of beach

You sported a black beanie

baggy shorts

and a wet t-shirt

i supposed you had

emerged from the shower.

I remember our first kiss

Your cherry red lips

smooth and soft

gently brushing

against mine.

The way you 

held me that night

Shall remain in my mind

until the end of time.

You pulled me

into a warm embrace

I was a prisoner

to your love.

It flowed through my body

i savored your taste

You whispered i love you

into my ear

and recited

sweet nothings in french.

As we lay entwined

our hearts pulsing together

Never saw you

after that night.

But your cherished memory

Shall forever remain

in my heart

Not as love

but lust.

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