..suddenly my heart starts to beat
My mind spins around like a carousel
My whole self begins to act out of the ordinary
I forget myself and want to do anything to please u
I loose the point in limitations and over present myself
I ignore what I am to try to become who u re
just for you to notice what I feel
What I feel is common
what I feel is not new
What I feel has always been
What I feel is LOVE
and With you it can be unique
with you it can be new
with u it has never been
with you LOVE is whole again
But will you ever be mine
will you ever love me back?
will this feeling I share be wasted?
and for how long will we be?
am I just wasting my time
chasing a love that will never love me?
or am I believing in a love that does not trust me?
will I be safe with you?
will I ever know?
Will "Had I known" be my words?
and will love fail me?
am falling out of myself cos am describing wat I feel
and my heart is beating again
my mind spinning like a carousel
am falling out of the ordinary
I'll rest here to gain myself back
Before I loose myself completely
of a love am not certain of...

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