Belief, what a strange and silly thing Changing from day to day Blown about on the wind Like the chirping that birds sing Changing like the weather From rain to sun to fear Brought on by the darken clouds Of a coming storm Changing like a beach front With each succeeding tide Like a canyons wall From the rivers flow So many beliefs Seem to come and go Depending on our travels And where we are in life Still it seems from time to time Something needs to stick A core needs to be established Held not within our hand By a fruitless grip But deep within our heart So when it’s time to make a stand Our feet and heart hold firm To what we know is right Oh sure this view seems out of date Especially in today’s new light But as time has always shown Even in the darkest dark Knowing what you believe Gets you through the night And knowing what you believe in Enables you to stand Instead of falling like a fool

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